Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Fred's advance directive

Earlier this afternoon, Allison & I left Alex's bedside, in search of a grilled cheese sandwich and fresh salad, downstairs at the cafeteria. As we approached our destination, we could hear the beautiful sounds of a "Celtic" ensemble playing some beautiful music in the courtyard below us. As we paused for a moment to listen and relax, we were approached by a doctor named Milton and he asked us if we would be willing to witness for a patient, as he signed his advance health care directive. We of course agreed to assist, and were escorted to the Blood & Bone Marrow Transplant unit, where we washed up before meeting the patient. Fred was a very nice man, above average build, looking reasonably healthy and having very little hair (probably more a medical issue than a genetic one). He greeted us warmly and shook our hands with warmth and sincerity. While signing the forms, we talked briefly and found out that Fred and his wife were from Salinas, but had recently moved to Palo Alto so they can stay within the "circle of care" (close proximity) to Stanford.
We did not ask many questions, nor was anything explained to us, we simply did what was asked of us and shared a quiet, personal experience with a man we had never met.

During life's special moments, we are gently reminded that there are no coincidences.

Everything happens for a reason..............

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