Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Welcome to Stanford

Al & al in waiting room

Alex taking time out for a new hair-do in the room

Alex was thinking about taking up synchronized swimming with this new look

Let the fun begin!
We got off to an early start and arrived at Stanford around 830am. Allison got Alex checked in while I parked, then we got her up to her room.
Soon after getting settled in to the room, we were greeted by two great doctors, who will be caring for her most of the week (Dr. Fisher & Dr. Lee-Massee). They asked a lot of questions, made a few basic assessments of her history and told us that besides stopping her meds, there would not be much done today. During this time, Alex was fitted with 26 EEG sensors that were glued to her head, then they outfitted her with an awesome purple headdress (she is stylin!). The EEG is running round the clock, along with video and audio surveillance. This will allow them to go back and study any signs (neuro, video, audio) that may help hem determine the root of the problem.
We talked about some of the things they feel they might do over the next few days, in order to initiate an episode (seizure). This could be a vibrating tuning fork on her forehead, strobe lights, overheating, hyperventilating and more.
So far so good. I am heading out to the local deli to get her a turkey sandwich, since the hospital food is not what she is craving.

Thanks to all for the outpouring of love & support.


1 comment:

Celeste said...

She is still so beautiful in her purple headdress! We wish you all the best of luck and hope this will be an answer to prayers.
The Hammarstroms