Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Lawrence Welk Show

I'm not sure how many of you have had the experience of listening to suction going through a "water seal" device, let alone two at the same time, but it sounds like we have a giant fish tank in the room. Sometimes I even feel like Lawrence Welk himself is about to walk through the door, surrounded by bubbles, playing a polka tune on his accordion. Wow.........I think I'm really starting to lose it now.
Anyway, another visit from the Dr's this afternoon, and it looks like we will remain in the "wait and see" pattern for a while. They mentioned that his x-ray showed a very slight improvement (less collapsed area) in the left lung, but they are very cautious about getting too excited at this point. We, however, will take what we can get!
He's doing a few breathing exercises each day and he is resting comfortably right now.




Ali Greer said...

Bro Bro,

Thanks for all the updates, i hope you are all doing okay through all of this. I miss you guys and you are all definitely in my prayers. I love y'all.


Single Threads said...

We too appreciate the updates. His name is in the St. George temple and daily in our prayers also. We feel so far away but you guys are always in our hearts--please KNOW that. We can hardly wait to see you.

Bev and your Sib.

John and Sue said...

Luke, You're in our thoughts and our prayers every time we pray and, we discuss your condition with each other with each new update on this blog. Just know that we are there with you. This form of communication is excellent! Thanks. Uncle Johnny and Aunt Susan.